+353 85 118 6906 info@laoisexecutivetravel.ie

Terms and Conditions of Service

Unless an alternative signed and valid Contract is in place between the Client including its passengers and Laois Executive Travel (hereinafter referred to as L.E.T), the following Terms & Conditions form the basis of your Contract with Laois Executive Travel.  Placing a booking with us constitutes acceptance of these terms.

Terms And Conditions Of Service


  1. L.E.T reserve the right to subcontract the provision of services to our chosen third-party subcontractors and affiliates and in such situations our liability is limited to ensuring that L.E.T use due care in the selection of the sub-contractor or affiliate company to provide services.
  2. Any journey times provided by L.E.T are best estimates only and whilst all reasonable efforts to get Client’s to their destinations in the shortest possible times, L.E.T shall have no liability if a journey time exceeds any estimate given or otherwise exceeds the Client’s expectations for whatever reason nor shall L.E.T have any other liability to the Client in connection with the time at which the Client reaches or fails to reach the destination (unless it is due to our fault or negligence in not arriving at the scheduled collection time).

Bookings & Confirmation

  1. L.E.T will only accept bookings placed by email or telephone.
  2. On receipt of your booking request L.E.T will respond with a quotation and a copy of our Terms & Conditions.
  3. On receipt of your acceptance of the quotation, which can be by email or telephone, L.E.T will email you a booking confirmation.
  4. If for any reason you do not receive a booking confirmation it is the bookers responsibility to request the confirmation.
  5. A booking is only confirmed when you have received the confirmation email (which includes the relevant booking reference numbers).
  6. It is the Client’s responsibility to check the booking confirmation for any errors. L.E.T will not accept any liability for errors in service resulting from incorrect booking confirmations.
  7. A non-refundable deposit of 25% is required to secure the booking.
  8. L.E.T reserves the right to refuse any booking.
  9. The Client is liable for charges reasonably and properly incurred from the time the vehicle is assigned to the booking until the completion of the service.

Quotations & Hire Prices

  1. All quotations will be quoted in Euro.
  2. Quotations are based on the itinerary requested by the Client and our estimated time that the vehicle and driver will be with the Client.
  3. The quotation is guaranteed to remain the same as at the time of booking confirmation as long as no changes have been made to the itinerary.
  4. Extra journeys or changes to the quoted trip once the trip has commenced will be charged at an additional rate according to the extra time and mileage.
  5. Prices quoted will include the cost of tunnel costs, tolls and car parking where applicable and this will be stated on the quotation.
  6. Prices are quoted based on the most direct and time efficient route.
  7. The first 60 minutes of waiting time at the airport is included in the price. Thereafter the waiting time will be charged at an additional cost based on the L.E.T hourly rate.
  8. For all other pick-ups, 15 minutes of waiting time is included. Thereafter the waiting time will be charged at an additional cost based on the L.E.T hourly rate.

Quotation Disclaimer

  1. Any quotation provided will be based on the information available at the time. If subsequent itinerary alters from the quoted service L.E.T reserve the right to charge based on the actual service not the quoted amount.
  2. Quotations are valid for 30 days from the date of issue.
  3. Bookings are not guaranteed until the deposit has been paid and booking confirmation issued.

Payments & Payment Methods

  1. We accept all major credit cards, PayPal and bank transfers.
  2. Payment of the non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking to guarantee the booking.
  3. The balance will be collected by the driver at the end of the service.

Additional Costs

  1. Any additional costs incurred outside of the tunnel costs, tolls and parking that were included in the quotation where applicable will be charged at cost.

Cancellation by you

  1. If you wish to cancel any part of your booking this must be communicated to L.E.T by email to info@laoisexecutivetravel.ie or by telephone at +353 85 118 6906. The cancellation will be deemed to have been accepted by L.E.T when we acknowledge by return that your cancellation has been received.
  2. Cancellations made 24 hours before the scheduled pick up time will incur no charge.
  3. Cancellations made within 24 hours will incur cancellation charges of 100% of the total price.
  4. Deposits are non-refundable, but can be transferred to future bookings.

Unavoidable Cancellation by L.E.T and Force Majeure

  1. L.E.T will not be liable or pay the Client compensation if our contractual obligations to you are affected by any event which L.E.T or our sub-contractor/affiliates could not foresee or avoid. These events can include, but are not limited to war or threat of war, terrorist activity or threat of such activity, the act of any government of other national of local authority, industrial dispute, natural or any other disaster and all similar events outside of our control.
  2. If L.E.T cancels a booking, we shall have no liability to the Client if we have used all reasonable endeavours to fulfil the booking and to notify the Client of cancellation in due time.

Personal Effects

  1. Clients are at all times solely responsible for the whereabouts and safekeeping of the luggage and other personal effects.
  2. L.E.T accepts no liability for loss or damage to any personal items under any circumstances.
  3. It is the Client’s responsibility to check that all belongings are loaded into the vehicle before departure.

Loss or Damage

  1. L.E.T shall have no liability for any damage, loss, costs or expenses (whether foreseeable or not) incurred or suffered by the Client (other than in the event of death or personal injury) due to occurrences, acts or omissions including on the part of the driver outside of our reasonable control.
  2. It shall be for the Client to ensure that any personal items are covered by appropriate insurance. L.E.T cannot accept liability for loss of or damage to such items.
  3. Clients will be responsible for any damage caused to the interior or exterior of our vehicle or to the property visited on tour by them due to improper conduct.
  4. The Client will be charged accordingly to reinstate the vehicle to the original condition.

Passenger Safety

  1. Our Executive Car is equipped with seatbelts and it is the Client’s responsibility to ensure they are worn at all times whilst in the vehicle.
  2. L.E.T accept no liability for loss, damage, death or bodily injury that can be attributed to a Client failure to wear a seatbelt or other restraint device that was available for their use and in working order.
  3. When children are travelling it is the responsibility of the accompanying parent or guardian to ensure that the child is protected by a restraint system appropriate to the child’s age and size.

Unacceptable Conduct

  1. L.E.T reserve the right to terminate services without refund or compensation at any time for any of the following reasons
    1. The driver or affiliates are subjected to threating or abusive behaviour (either verbal or physical);
    2. Any other circumstances when a Client’s conduct may affect the safety of themselves, other passengers, the driver or the vehicle;
    3. Any inappropriate activity
  2. The driver has the right to refuse, at their discretion, to carry any Client’s that are under the influence of alcohol or drugs and whose behaviour might pose a threat to the driver, vehicle or other passengers.
  3. A strict no-smoking policy apples in our vehicle.

Customer Satisfaction

  1. Your Executive Car should be presented in a pristine condition. The driver will be courteous and helpful in every way possible.
  2. Should our standard not match your expectation, you can let us know by email to info@laoisexecutivetravel.ie or by telephone at +353 85 118 6906.
  3. All complaints will be reviewed and L.E.T will respond to you within 24 hours of the complaint being received.
  4. All complaints must be made within five (5) days of service completion. Failure to notify L.E.T in accordance with this procedure may affect your right to refund or compensation from L.E.T.

Our website

  1. Any personal information supplied to L.E.T via our website will be used in accordance with the Data Protection & Privacy Policy.
  2. The use of our website constitutes your acceptance of the terms, conditions and disclaimers contained in these Terms & Conditions.
  3. Third-party links on this site may direct you to third-party websites that are not affiliated with L.E.T. L.E.T are not responsible for examining or evaluating the content or accuracy and we do not warrant and will not have any liability or responsibility for any third-party materials, products, or services of third-parties.

  1. Terms and Conditions of Service